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Tasmanian Literary Awards

Points of Recognition by Jane Williams (Ginninderra Press)

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Points of Recognition

Points of Recognition is a collection that is concerned with what it means to be alive, to be connected to others: friends, family, strangers. It celebrates difference and diversity of lifestyle and cultures with exuberance, affinity and rapport.

About the author

Jane Williams’s poetry has been widely published and anthologised since the early 1990s. She is the author of eight collections of poems and has featured at readings and festivals in several countries including the U.S., Malaysia, Ireland and the Czech Republic. Awards for her poetry include the Anne Elder Award, the Dinny O’Hearn Fellowship at the University of Melbourne and a three-month residency in 2016 at the Bridge Guard Residential Art/Science Centre in Štúrovo, Slovakia. She lives in Launceston with her partner Ralph Wessman where they work and play with words more or less full time.